A Hero Has Risen

Suspicions swirl in the unconscious mind,
Dreaming of what could happen.
Evil lurks around each corner
And destiny has yet to do it’s trick.
Fate is hanging by a thread
As you watch blood spill
Drop by drop,
And the death toll rises,
Each time,
A bell sounds in your mind
Like the grand clock tower
That looms over the town
Scratching at the underbelly of the gray sky.
Seconds tick by,
And those seconds could be the last
And who would be the last to see?
The last to witness the bell toll one last time?
For you know evil lurks around each corner of the street
And at any given point,
Could lash out and strike.
But who’s to say you can’t strike first?
Who’s to say you can’t be the last to witness the bell’s final toll?
And as suspicions swirl in your unconscious mind,
A decision is made
As destiny does it’s trick
And fate turns the simple thread into a bundle of thread.
As the blood starts to cease,
Drop by drop
And as the bell tolls,
Seeming to say
A hero has risen.