My Dream

When you handed me that note in 6th grade my heart skeeped a beat. I just couldnt belive you knew I was alive. You changed my life forever from that day on I havent been the same. I think about you constently. I gess everyone does about there first love. We were something diffrent. Always in eachothers arms happy as can be ,but then I had to move and my dreams chatterd to the floor. The thought of you haunted me everywhere I went. You use to call me up and talk for hours till we lost conntact. We both saw the darkness in our lifes in that time. I never qiut got over you and I'm sure you know that now. My dreams became hopes when I moved back into town only to find you were happy with someone eals. I cryed for mouths thinking of you till one day you called me outta the blue. And like magic our old routen began staying up all night long just to hear me laugh on the phone.I couldnt belive what I heard. You still cared after all these years apart. Our love never weakend. Now were happy once again my dream came ture hopefull this time I wont lose be continued.... :)