
Where is the love?
Where have they all gone?
I miss my memories so
I despise my friends

Maybe it's the wrong way

I miss my friends so
I despise my memories
That seems right
But so did the other way

Maybe my life was the wrong way

Did I forget how to love?
Did I misplace my friends?
Why is life so weird now?

Tangled in this web of confusion

Where are those arms that were wrapped around me?
Where is that comfort I so long for?
I miss love
I miss my friends

But do I really?

Maybe I'm just blind
Or just dull
Possibly a dweeb
But definitely not a moron

Have I lost touch with this world?

Was I made this way?
Or did I become it on my own?
Should I hate myself?
Or embrace this curse?

Am I crazy?

My sanity will leave me if my heart does
Is it crazy to give it up?
Every last thing of myself?
Just for love?

Just for her?

I can't be crazy
Maybe I'm just like the rest
Or maybe they make me think I am
It is love..right?

It has to be

I'll give it up then
My friends and my music
My games and passion
My clothes and style

For her

Why would I give up everything?
Everything I've know
That I've cherished
That has kept me alive

Because I'm lovedrunk

Then I best not get hungover
Not this time
The last time I'll drink the sweet nectar
The nectar of love

My fingers are crossed for us baby