
That cold air
That cold winter air
I feel it
Months before I should

Why must I wander?
Why does my mind wander?
Paranoia is a bitch
A cold hearted bitch

Be with me
Let my trust come back
Come here to me
I need to trust you

Why did they hurt me?
They changed me so
The pain is gone
But they left deep scars

Such a constant reminder
Yet somehow I forget
I'm with you
Everything else fades

You calm my very being
Like a bear to a child
I'm comforted beyond belief
I must trust you

I must or I need?
Perhaps I do
I know I do
We've come this far

Can we make it longer?
We must
I can't go on without you
My life

I see hell in your eyes
Hell is my destination, love
Makes me happy
Seems I've reached it

I still feel that cold wind
Trembles me every time
That cold wind is sweet
That could wind is your breath