
What's this Heaven you speak of?
I've never heard of such a place
It seems nice
But where is it?

What's this Hell you speak of?
I've never seen such a place?
It seems awful
But where is it?

Who's this God you speak of?
I've never heard of them before
They seem pretty interesting
How do I talk to him?

You don't know?
How do they exist?
No one knows?
That makes no sense

Heaven is for the good
Hell is for the bad
Seems odd
How can God label us?

This person seems judgmental
What if their opinion is wrong?
What if his standards of good and bad are different?
I don't understand

There's a book about him?
What's it called?
The Bible?
I'll check it out

This book isn't right
Everything is contradicted
So God wrote this?
Oh, a man did

This man never met God
How is he right?
This could be fiction, you know
Why do you believe this?

Can you prove it to me?
Why can't you?
The Bible isn't proof
I want real proof

You still can't find any?
It can't be that hard
Why can't you?
Can't God give you proof?

He doesn't talk to you?
But you talk to him
God seems like an ass
Not talking back to you and all

So that's praying?
Kind of the same as talking
Do you pray for anything specific?
Can I pray for a car?

Why can't God give me one?
It doesn't work like that?
But why?
He doesn't talk nor give?

God really seems like a bad person
He doesn't talk back or even answer prayers
Well why pray?
Because you have to?

It seems you'll get the same result
You'll get the same result if you don't pray
So why not just stop praying?

God doesn't even say you're forgiven
Maybe you're still unforgiven
That makes you a sinner

I see no point in something unproven
So all the other religions are wrong?
I'm sure they think the same of yours
Why is yours the right one?

No proof again?
You're not really convincing me
Religion seems pretty stupid to me now
You did a bad job at teaching me, probably

Prove it, and I'll convert
Cause it seems ridiculous to believe
I'll die and tell you what I find
Until then, You're wrong