Mother Earth

It was midsummer
And there was a fierce heat that suffocated
Man and beast alike
Poured over the land like a thick tar
One which could not be escaped
The leaves on the trees had turned ebony
And the people blood red
They prayed to their make shift Gods
They prayed to the Land
They prayed for relief from the retched Sands
But no answer ever came
No truth did unfold
And as the moon would rise and fall
The people grew small
After they grew weak
After they lost hope
How much longer would they have to repent for their sins
How much longer would the heathens of the Land
Proove their faith
But was it truly faith they had to prove
Or was it love?

But love of whom, they’d wonder
Love of the lords that gave them this land
Who lived in their castles and never did see
Love of the Kings
That merely laughed at what they had to say
Love of the Gods
That did them so wrong
Love of Money
That existed not
Or perhaps

Love of the Land
Which they had bought
Love of the Land
Whom they had Raped
And Pillaged of all it had to offer
The bountiful maiden Mother Earth
Was now bare, unclad, and weak
They would ask for more
And she would ask what more they thought she had
Her thick soils malnourished and dry
Her flowing oceans dark with filth
Her budding blossoms of no value
Her beauty of no consequence
And yet again
The people would ask for more
And she would say
I have no more to give to those who torture me so
I have no more love for those who kill my children before they grow
So I say
From my Wrath
From my Fury
From my Pain
For it is I, who shall live again.