
I am afraid. by every meaning of the word, I fear.
This deafening silence this stilling noise,
A sound I cannot pinpoint,
I grieve. by every sense of the word I mourn,
A shell shocking stillness a sudden violent desperation,
I claw. I dig even deeper
I scratch. I ravage just to decipher this emotion.
I yield. I hand myself over to these
Feelings. I don’t know
But they wrack my very being.
My soul, is torn into a thousand pieces
I am scattered. amongst the people I once rejoiced in
I revel. In the moment of being free
And then I fall. from great heights as if in a
Dream and I wake. to this soul searching
Redeemer, waiting to redeem
When I only wanted release, but I give in.
to the power of redemption and my
Fear. melts away like molten lava and
This grief, trickles away like drops of
Water. and my soul,
That was shattered like a window is a
Puzzle. and it is put back together by a
Master, and I am a complete picture
Once again. I rejoice amongst the people
That I reveled in and I am whole.
we coincide together for the first,
And all eternity time
And we are one. in this burst of life
A new birth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please review. I enjoyed writing this and I would like feedback that could help me make it better.