A Lesson of Sorts

I am one of the most precious things in the world,
I am everywhere, but I’m not always seen,
It doesn’t matter how loud I shout, sometimes I’m not heard,
I am often scorned at and abused,
I am taken for granted by most,
Most forget me,
Few cherish and remember me,
Most deny me,
Some lie about me,
I bring many people together,
But I drive some apart,
Some want me to last forever
But some just let me die.

What I want most is to bring everyone together.
I want people to give me a chance,
I want people to embrace me, just let me in their lives,
I want to be accepted,
Whatever I do to you, don’t forget me.

Always remember me; because I am Love and I am always in reach, it just takes time to learn how to stretch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Surprisingly unmorbid for me O_o
any comments? <3