
The feeling I love the most is the feeling of
the rain washing over me
The feeling of the water purfying my body
when I step into the shower.
If only it would go beyond my skin
I wish it could wash all the hurt, confusion,
hate and frustration out of my heart: my
life, only leaving me with happiness.
I wish it would heal these open wounds
you left when you said goodbye.
I wish it could just splatter on my bruised
heart and erase the bluish bruises
and ugly jagged scars that have upraised
to show everyone.
I, too, wish it could erase the painful memories
of you and never let the happy memories conjure
up the bad.
But, unfortunately, that's not the way of
I have to take the bad with the good and
allow my scars, mistakes, and pain to
carve me into a better and stronger
The water, the rain will only go skin deep
and clear my head for the time of it
purifying my body.
And when I touch the knobs to turn it off
or walk inside...,
The hurt, the pain, the confusion and frustration will
all return in one big flustered jolst.
And the most prominent will be the hate I
have for ever allowing my wall to be torn down by
you and allowing you in when I knew
bad would come of it.
And the hate of knowing I will always love
you even if don't love me
And knowing I can never forget the hurt,
the pain that came with the happiness of
your lovely smile, your eyes that glimmer
every now and then, and the gentleness of
your warm and tender touch.