man in the moon

Tonight she said "I love you"
but you couldn't say it back
Tonight she was willing to give herself to you.
but you were too willing to take advantage of her.
Tonight she lye on the blanket under the moon
meant for her and you
But you didn't get to see her cry her eyes out.
You weren't there to cradle her against your broad yet soft chest.
You weren't there to whisper in her ear and say "I knew you weren't ready that's why I said 'No'"
You weren't there to gently kiss her lips and whisper "I love you too"
You just weren't there.
Tonight the Man in the Moon was the only one to listen to her gentle and heart breaking sobs.
Tonight the Man in the Moon was the one who whispered "It'll all be okay I'm here to listen forever"
Tonight the Man in the Moon was the only one to tell her to cheer up, that he would shed his light upon her.
That he would soak up her sorrow, that he would never leave her, that he'd be back every night,
That when she couldn't see him, his sons, his daughters, the stars would shed their light and listen.
Tonight the man in the moon was there.
and tonight you left her
Tonight you broke her heart
Tonight she lost the one she thought she loved
You were the one she thought she'd grow old with
Tonight she thought she lost you
When in all actuality you lost her
Tonight you lost the one true thing that didn't lie to you
Tonight you lost the one person who loved you for you
Tonight you lost a girl that would've allowed you to have happiness for eternity
Tonight you lost your all and you can't even see it.
Tonight you lost her and unknowingly your heart.
For your heart knew where it wanted to be.
Tonight your heart left your body and imprinted itself in the girl you just left
Tonight your heart ended a battle with your mind and body
Tonight your heart will sit back and watch as your mind deteriorates and crumbles
It will watch as your mind regrets all the wrong it has willingly committed tonight
And tonight she has found the one friend that will never abandon her
The one friend who will love her always
Tonight she found that the only friend who will never leave her and will always love her is
The Man in the Moon.