pain and love are the best of great friends

& you think she's forgotten about you
You think everything she said was a lie
Every I love you was fake
You watch as she perishes with another guy
While your stuck with a girl you once thought you loved.
Inside your yelling at her calling her a liar for ever making you believe that she really cared.
And you finally work up enough courage to confront her.
You yell and scream and make her feel like crap
You tell her she tore your heart apart and that she never even cared
You scream at her and say you never loved me it was all a little game
You yell at her and say she watched your heart burn in the fiery pit of her fake love and that She didn't even have the balls to spit just once to try and out the fire.
And all the while she tried through gut wrenching, heart throbbing, head exploding rain drops falling from her eyes to tell you she isn't a fake and she didn't lie
But you keep yelling and screaming liar b.... and other horrid names
And then you finally walk away.
You leave her on the ground on hands and knees in the pouring rain.
She's crying her eyes and heart and soul out and you want to turn around and run back and cradle her and say I'm sorry
But you don't because you think she doesn't love you like she said.
You continue to walk as your own tears begin to mix with the rain.
And the next day you find out.
She had went home about an hour after you left her broken
She waited till everyone was sound asleep
She crept into everyone's room and she gave them all one last kiss.
She even had a small speech for them.
She left the speeches by their pillows and stalked off to her room
She then cried and cried and sliced and sliced
and wrote a note to you
She said she does still love you and she always will
But she was scared to surrender to love
She'd much rather get hurt by attraction than be hurt by love again
She never lied when she said she loved you
She never lied about caring
and as your reading this note you feel like the biggest nit wit alive
You then realize what her last words were.
"I love you and I always will, but I'm gonna have to love you from where ever I end up because I'm leaving this earth where pain and love were the best of great friends. xoxo love forever and always Jazmin"