Save the World

I want to change the world,
And people ask me,” Why?”
I never give an answer,
I won’t even try.
Why? Because they don’t get it,
The world that I see.
They live in a a different world,
Were everyone are happy.
But that’s not reality,
The truth hurts too much.
Do you not see people crying?
Others are cold to the touch.
Do you not watch the news?
Look behind the façade?
Where they vote to destroy?
And yet they all applaud?
Where are you all at?
Open your eyes!
You’re all so naïve,
Do you really believe those lies?
If you want to change the world,
What are you waiting for?
I heard that someplace somewhere,
But only once before.
Yet it’s never said enough,
It doesn’t change a thing.
Why do I know of cruelty,
But you’ve never felt it’s sting?
If you want to change the world,
When’re you going to start?
Do something small or big,
Do something to take part.
I want to change the world,
I’ve decided not to wait.
Maybe with a small chance,
There will be a change of fate.
And if I’m really, really lucky,
Though I might only be a girl.
I might actually have a chance,
I might actually save the world.
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