Smile on my face no more pretending.

Why can't you let me be?
Why can't you see?
You're not what I need
You say it's what's best
I say give it a rest

You're tired of me acting
Like a spoiled brat
I'm misunderstood
You think it's good

Your killing me slowly
I'm pushing you away
Now my heart won't stay
Fates taking a turn for the worst
And it really hurt

Everything was fine
With you by my side
My pain was fading
Now it's recreating
The giant hole in my heart
That was gone at the start

I need you more than ever
My end is near
Now it's clear
I need you here

Till the day I die
Which isn't far off
When they carry me off
Whisper the words
I'm needing to hear

I need you
I want you
I can't live without you
I love you

I fall silent
With my happy ending
Smile on my face no more pretending
♠ ♠ ♠
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