
Nothin in this world lasts
So why must the answers be asked?
These questions she is going to ask.
It seems inevitably her life long task.

Who was she?
Was she pretty?
Was she worth it?
Was she worth everything;
Our potential future, our present and past?
It all just disappeared so fast!

Was she pretty?
Yes I guess but perhaps you should be the judge of that.
Was she worth our present future and past?
There was no answer for that.
Who was she?
Pause and breathe.
Sit if you need
For the answer is...
Your best friend from childhood years

This lesson she learned after all the rips, slices, and tears
Nothin in this world lasts
So why must the answers all be unmasked?
These questions didn't need to be asked
This task didn't need to be completed
For it was an optional task
A task that proved
Answers aren't always meant to be unmasked.