Secret love

We were all smiles, jokes, and laughter
Best of friends who would live happily ever after

But deep down on my heart's ground
It was love that I had found

But I wasn't going to release my secret
To have my heart broken- Psh forget it.

And just as my life was beginning to progress
Your's was about to regress

You said you loved me in the non-best friend way
Why couldn't you have locked these feelings away?

If I could do it to mine
Your's should've been easy to confine
Without a whine

That night my eyes began to fill
Because I knew my life was heading downhill

I was attracted to him
As my feelings for you began to dim

"I love you"
Why couldn't you get the clue
That I loved you too

And when you did
I ran and hid

From there everything became oh so awkward
Because these feelings you conjured
I've been trying to keep covered
And now they are unhidden and everything's faltered

"I love you" "I love you" "I LOVE YOU!"
I know you really do

But I want things to go back to the way they were
When you were for sure
When you loved her
And loved me as a sister
When you dreamed to kiss only her.

When I was able to love incognito
Like an animal hiding in the meadow

But we can not
Although it was worth my shot.

So now I must say
Forget everything up to this day

Everything has happened between you and me
Goodness love, why can't you see?

I refuse to be the cause of her broken heart.
So before everything totally falls apart
I must depart

From your existence
To reset the balance.

And maybe later I can come back
And not have to close up shack.

Come back to a place where you love her and have no clue
That I'm still secretly and safely in love with you.