
It can rip a heart to shreds
And it can tear a world apart
It can start life
But it can also ruin a life
Worse than that it can end a life.
We aren't born with it.
But over time it finds it's way into our minds,
Our bodies. our hearts, our blood, our veins, our soul.
It consumes us and we have to go to drastic measures to drive it out.
But once it senses we are happy, it will fight to maul the happiness to bits and pieces.
We hate to live with it.
But for some reason we can't live without it.
Why we can't live without it I don't know
I guess it's just there to balance things out.
Anger will be anger and like it or not once it's in us it's there forever
Even if we try with all our might to be happy; it's there.
It may not be at shore but,
There are many drops of it in the ocean full of secrets, feelings, and thought that holds residence in our hearts