emotionally hollow

"You can't be emotionally hollow" is what was said to me.
But I say who said I can't be?
Who said I have to show my feelings?
I don't want to be that girl who cries everytime something goes wrong.

I don't really want to cry at all.
I don't see why my smile can't be enough.
At least I make the effort.

Why do people have to look me in the eyes and try and read them?
My eyes will never be a window for you to look at the inner me.
The fact of the matter is, I want to be the girl who can show her feelings.

But I'm terrified of showing too much
Terrified of allowing too many people in.
Terrified those people will run out when the going gets tough.

So that's why I take the easier route of putting off this fascade of being emotionally hollow