i can fix this

I can fix this dear daughter, I can fix this
But please baby, oh please, don't cry your breaking my heart
How can a mother withstand her own flesh and blood,
the child she gave birth to cry her eyes out?
But on the other side of the spectrum
The daughter doesn't want her mommy to come to the rescue.
She wants to do his on her own.
She wants to cry her eyes out.
She wants to fix this
"How can you fix a child that wants to love so much?
How can you fix your child's love's mind?
How can you? Huh? Just answer that one question
You can't. That's the way of life.
A person breaks a child's heart by playing with them like a chew toy
He crushes her dreams and all you can do is watch
Because she wants to fix this on her own.
So let her fix this.
Just make sure you're there to pick her up when she falls
Because only she can fix this the way she wants"
is what the young girl with the broken heart and shattered dreams thought.