
I'm ready to jump
My heart and gut are telling me "YES!"
My body wants to fly.
But my mind is saying "Make sure he's feeling the same way and that it's real"
You said "I love you" and my BRAIN just KNEW
"You're not ready to jump from this cliff of comfortability into the foreign ocean of his love
Your heart is blurred by his words
But I'm not ready to make a loving commitment for the 3rd time."
is what my brain is yelling.
"I'm not ready to get hurt.
Not ready to be vulnerable."
"But I'm ready to be overwhelmed by his love.
I'm ready to recover.
To be happy,
To love and be loved again."
is what my heart argues back.
So be sure to mark this day.
For I am no longer loving with my mind.
Thinking love through is obsurd!
Love isn't a thought but a feeling felt by the HEART!
So my heart is to decide and...
It says JUMP, FLY, and EXPLODE in his ocean full of love.
Be vulnerable and happy and overwhelmed
Cuz ready or not love is coming...
And it's found me through you!
"I love you too!" :)