Stop Before I Do

Stop Before I Do
January 4, 2008

If these stupid chills
don't flee from my spine
before the next time he smiles
at me,
I just might scream.

If these stupid butterflies
don't make friends with some pesticide
before he looks at me again,
I just might keel over.

If these stupid tingles
don't get the heck out of my body
before I see him again,
I just might cry.

If my stupid hands
start trembling
the next time his fingers brush mine,
I just might faint.

If stupid karma
doesn't lighten up its load
on my aching back,
I'm going to be sick.

If my stupid nerves
don't relinquish their power to my brain
by the next time I talk to him,
I just might gag.

If this stupid (handsome, intelligent, hilarious, amazing) boy
doesn't stop acting clueless
the next any of it happens,
I just might…
it won't make one heck of a difference.

What a teenaged tragedy
I'm turning out to be.