I hate it when people tll you that your a friend.
Then they turn around say shit and you lose them.
When they turn back they wanna be friends again.
But they realy ain't a friend.

You would be their friend,
But you are afraid they'd turn on you agian.
You hate to loose them as a friend,
But you can never be sure they realy were one.

They'll tell you one thing,
Then turn around and tell you something diffrent.
It becomes one lie after another,
You can never tell when the truth comes out.

Everyday they call you a bugger,
So everyday you try not to bother them.
You don't know who to trust anymore,
So you don't go anywhere, do anything, or say much.

If you wanted your hopes crushed,
You would have stayed with your "dad" who beat you.
All you can do now is pray,
And hope that every prayer gets answered.

If they don't...
Then worry not.
There are plenty more ways,
To ask God but not alot