To My Parents

Dear mom n dad,

I'm sorry for what i did,
i hope you can forgive me,
All the times i yelled and screamed,
hit and kicked,
Are a part of my past,
not who i am,
but who i was,

I really do love you,
I really want to live with you,
Even though i said it wasn't so before,
It was a lie,
I was scared to show me,
to show who i truly loved,

I want to work through our problems,
yes i admit, I started most of them,
just being a selfish baby,
and not thinking of others,
only of what i wanted,

I also lied alot when i was younger,
mostly to try and hurt you,
well i guess i succeeded,
but now regret has taken its toll,
now i realize how actions effect other people,
As you always said:
what goes around comes around,
and boy did it come back around,

But all the fun things we did:
Go to the zoo,
go out on the truck,
swim at the lak,
always going out for Ice cream after wards,
our trips to Missouri,
our trips to the water park,
I didn't have time to name them all,
or enough paper =-)
But ill make sure to hold onto those,
keeping them close to my heart,
Always Remembering

I know i didn't know everything,
Ive got a lot to learn,
I know i wasn't very good when i was little,
but i want to fix that,
make it better now,
i think it is a little bit now,
so if you'll continue sticking with me through thick and thin,
rough and smooth,
Always there for me,
Showing you care for me,
I would love it so much,
Thank you Mom and Dad for being my parents