"Come Bleed Again."

**I chose to go to bed instead of cut last night. It wasn't easy, considering I couldn't fall asleep. Even though I'm a little over one month recovered my blade is still calling me, and its hard but if your trying to quit just keep fighting!**

He thinks I'm okay
My looks can be decieving;
Just because I seem fine
doesn't mean I'm okay....

Really? I am not fine.

I hurt, I'm broken

Before, my therapy was Mr. Blade.
the pain, the blood
was a good quick fix
but after a few minutes
I knew I still hurt
and was still broken.

Even though I know
its only a quick fix
my blade
is still calling me....

Even though I quit
I can still go back
and bleed again...

But for tonight
at least
I'm just gonna try to
go to sleep.