Dont let this be the end...

Back then things were simple,
We had

We dreamed of tommorrow,
We hoped for the very best,
We feared for the worst,
And we were all wrapped in the illusion
That it would last forever.

School days of old,
Can you even recall,
The safe feeling you had,
Knowing that you knew the corse of the day?

Bus Rides in the Twilight
The Hey's and hugs you recived,
The class you shared secrets and jokes,
And the meetings you held in the halls,
Secret but all the while public
All the goodbyes you shouted across the parking lot.

Do you remember,
The way we cried at the end of every year
Looking at the pictures to remember things we'd forgoten
The friends that had left
And the friends that had appeared.

But remember to,
How we wiped each others tears away
And said in croaky sounds
"We'll be in class next year, why are you crying!?"
And then we laughed in parting ways.

Oh But Now,
We've all left the nest,
We've all spread our wings,
And leaped into the blue in parting ways,
How many of you have slowed, and looked over your shoulder?

How many have cried at the feeling of loss,
How many of you wept together,
How many of you smiled and turned your head,
How many of you remember,
The days when we were just scared little kids?

But are we grown now?
Are we really the tough and smart adults we thought we were?
Or are we just wearing masks,
So no one can see us screaming and crying in truth?
Things are difficult.

Who wants to cling to their past,
Scared to move on and face the tune,
That we were all carried on,
Believing that nothing would tear us apart
In the very end?

Now its the end and I've landed,
No Longer soaring quickly,
Flying on the beat of my own song,
I look up and shead tears for those doing so,
For I am not ready to let go.

I was one who looked over their shoulder,
I was one who started to cry,
I was the first to shed my mask.

I am not a strong adult,
I am a child true to her feelings,
I cry at the end,
and I'm scared of the beginging.

And I know you are too.

But I'm not here to point fingers,
I'm not here to scold you,
and I'm not here to tell you your lying when you say no.

I'm here to let you know I'm looking up for you,
I'm watching for you to pass by,
I'm waiting for you to remember everything I did.

It may take a long time,
Maybe Months,
Maybe Years,
Maybe a lifetime will pass by first.

But I want you to think og me when you remember,
I want you to see me as you first remember me,
Now matter how it might be.

A little girl with a missing tooth smiling at you in class,
A kid in the lunch room with a mix of friends discussing music and books
A shy awkward preteen at a dance and a blushing problem
A teen trying to fit into the shoes of a highschool student
Your Friend in the play you couldn't explain
Or the young woman in the yellow gown you hugged in a blind fury of tears.

Remember me at the age thats best
Remember the times we shared
Remember the secrets we whispered
Remember the tears we wept together
But most of all, I pray you remember yourself.

Don't let anything go,
Never change your speech,
Never change your actions,
Let me remember you the way I always did.

Let me remember your dreams,
Let me name off your hopes,
Let me laugh at your silly fears,
And let us loose ourselves once more,
In that shared illusion.

This isn't the begining
This isn't the end,
Its the Twilight I feel
That wont end
For quite a while yet.

Some of you I'll see immediatly,
Some I wont see for a while yet,
And Some of you I wont see till the end,
But I'll see you all again,
That much I promise.

Your my family,
Your my friend,
Your a piece of me,
I'm never going to let go.

So please,
Dear friend,
My closest ally,
Dont let this be the end.