
Things like this NeveR Fade.
Ice cream as no affect, now. The pieces turn to sand, their blown away, NeveR to be seen again.
My Heart will NeveR be whole again.
It will ForeveR be broken, youR love can't fix it. Unless you tell me youR true FeelingS.
But Until then, I'll be alone and scared of This darkness that is trying to consumE me.
ThingS like this NeveR Fade.
I miss youR touch.
I had to do it FoR us.
We Can'T be seen TogetheR.
They'll know somethinG is wronG.
But I'll NeveR let you gO.
YouR touch makes my HearT accelerate, Goose bumps rise on my skin when you move away. Yearning FoR youR touch.
I get butterflies when my name passes through youR lips.
My knees get weak when you bite youR bottom lip and look at me with that loving look.
The way youR arms are around me.

The sun rises and this dream is over.
Us, both wishing we could go back to it.

The sun goes down, anotheR night approaches, our dream comes alive again.
Hands in twined, eyes locked, skin boiling, breath ragged, lips moist.
"Skyler," he whispers, his breath ghosting down my neck from the love bite he left me.
His hands roam my torso, Goose bumps when heated skin meets, big, rough hands.
I suck a deep breath, my hands run through his hair.
"Xaviier," I whisper, he skins his teeth into my collar bone, I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming out, showing him weakness.
He lays small love bites and kisses along my neck and chest. My head is swimming, forgetting anyone is in the house.
He whispers loving, and soothing words in my ear.
I want to tell him how I feel, but it doesn't want to come out.
Feelings are raging, body heat flaring.
I need to tell him! I MUST find out if he feels the same. All these years I've been wanting to know.
I want the truth.
Love SucKs...