March Of Sophomore Year

So I wrote this one last night at about one o'clock in the morning
so here it goes:

The operator can't put you through to the dead
So sorry to hit him with the cosequences of fixing her as an after-thought
Closed doors don't talk back
The wood and rotating brass only hid the pools of blood or tears... depending on the day
The do not disturb sign is up with invisible ink reading "costume change"

The door shut for "the next level of the relationship"
So young and so naive
That's the way he likes them
The do no disturb sign is up with invisible ink reading "this only looks like love"

The door shuts for those four deadly words "we need to talk"
They aren't the only thing ending tonight
As she listens to his words self-destruction runs down her face darker than the make-up
The do not disturb sign is up with invisible ink reading "heartbreak in progress"

The door shuts in his face
She burned the pictures that rminded her of the past
Then she threw his lighter from the window of the twentieth floor
With the door open and the do not disturb sign down she made her deciscion

His apology came too late this time
He saw her clutching her used tissues and a necklace as the wind rushed past her face
He drove too slow
She met the ground too fast