
White is the feeling you get when you just don’t know
White is the purity of a blank sheet of paper
White is staring at a word too long, and then it looks really weird
White is when your whole world comes crashing down
White is when no progress is being made
White is writer’s block, when you have a deadline
White is when the one friend you trusted, betrays you
White is when you don’t fit it, you stand out
White is when you just don’t care
White is saying something you know you’ll regret
White is worrying about something you can’t control
White is saying too much, not knowing when to shut up
White is an opportunity, waiting to be taken
White is when someone says “I love you”, but you know they don’t mean it
White is also when someone says “I hate you”, and they do mean it.
White is an empty heart, waiting for someone to come along and fill it
White is being misunderstood
White is spilling out your heart to someone and finding out they didn’t care
White is that tiny spark you get when you create a new friendship
White is the everlasting bond between best friends
White is also when that bond breaks
White is wondering if white is even a color