My only love poem.

You may think I haven’t caught on
I see every detail about you
You would never believe me if I told you
Your rich brown eyes that stare
When you look right at me
I promise it gives me chills to the spine
Your hair spiked up in the front
Almost perfect that it makes me wonder
I notice the |foot| difference
Having to stand on my tippee toes
Just so you can give me
That soft goodnight kiss
Your strong and I can tell
You lift me up and carry me away
Making me laugh until I turn red
I cannot help but notice your SMILE
You say I lie about this one
But it can brighten my day with one upturn
The way you attempt to sing
Like you could be in a Broadway show
Too bad I laugh at every note
Your content attitude towards us all
No shame in whatever you do
Only you and me and nobody else
You always reach for my hand you know
The certain way it has to be to be perfect
Our intertwined fingers gripped
I never want you to let go and you don’t either
You’re a gentlemen if you haven’t noticed
Getting me what I need without my request
You were raised right I suppose
I notice what you say
You never neglect to tell me something
You tell me when ive lost it
You tell me when im beautiful
But most of all you tell you love me
I love you too