Ballgame Over


My name is Polyhymnia and your government is poisoning you.

Let me guess--
You're one of the Faithful,
A Crusader.
In any case,
Either you're reading this because
You want to turn in a dissident, be a hero-
Or, I hope,
Because you're curious.


I was born in 2005.
Long before the Administration took my family.
Long before Cedocore took us all on
Such a wild ride.
Long before my first drop of Opal.

Before the Presence.

My father was a Greek immigrant,
My mother a strong-willed German albino
With cornsilk hair
Who died while
Out getting groceries.
After that, my father joined

C H U R C H of P L A N O.
I left home. I was eight.

When I was twelve I had escaped a sanitarium with
The help of a kind boy with hair like smoke.
His name is Glaice
And he is the reason my hair has always been this way.

He showed me Opal,
How the black is really white,
He showed me the lies
This government tries to hide

How to extract my Nerochip

And how
To die.


So now you know me, and
If you've read this far I'll assume that
You aren't a Fed.

Pretty humble beginnings, yeah. But I
Gotta say, life was good then.

But hey, you'd remember.


It's so funny, the things you remember.

The raggedy city-girl-turned-refugee I saved from torture,
Her legs bowed and mutated from too much
Her skin flaked like old tree bark.

Kissing Glaice in our demolished shack by a polluted beach.

The way my hair was before Opalo stained it blue, and the way my skin
Seemed to stink
Before Pearl invaded and made it

P u r e.


Now that is the Administration's
Biggest, juiciest


Your government is killing you slowly
And you're too carefree to notice.

Tainting for the sake
Of a cleaner tomorrow.

Time to wake up, fuckheads.

I know the man who blew up Wrigley Field.

And here's another version of the truth-

I'm the one who sniped the announcers.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is partially based in the world Nine Inch Nails created for their album Year Zero. For more info on Year Zero, go here: