One Mirror

A crutch!
A beauty lacks a song, or
Perhaps a mirror to understand.
Who feels it right to tell her?
She walks through her
Life like nothing is different- and
It takes years of ugly to make
One feel ugly. One
Person, with one
Phrase: "You are so
It rings through her ears, into
Her hollowed heart, down
To her core.
Beautiful to whom?
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, your words
Are nothing but words!
"Apply that to all the 'Ugly' then.
Have you seen yourself?"
Never has she known her own face, or
How her auburn curls frame it, or
How her chocolate eyes sparkle in the lamplight.
Then that One came along, and
Provided that mirror, though there was
No real reflection.
She saw the beauty with her own eyes, and
Forgot the ugly, and
Remembered the One.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hoping I can be One for another...