High School Sweethearts

High School Sweethearts
By Victoria Marie Testa

There’s always that one point in time
When someone is going to tell me
What I have
Isn’t the first,
And won’t be the last.

But in my heart,
My blood pulses with the beats
Of a million hummingbirds
Filled with all this love
That I just know is true

It’s like when I look at him
My whole being becomes beautiful
My whole body smiles
And tingles with the anticipation

But when we're apart
I feel empty, abysmal
Just knowing he’s so close, yet so far
It breaks my heart
And I can cry, but not to anyone else
And why?

Because they all say,
He’s not the first,
And won’t be the last.

So where can I turn?
Not to my mother, my father
No friends support my feelings
So I turn to him

My strength, my speed
My forgiveness and
My life
My one, my only
My forever and always

And though I'm so young,
Aged in beautiful youth
When I look at him
When I say I love him,
I know I mean it.
I can feel it in my heart
Swirling around my head until I'm dizzy

And I dream
I dream about a future with him
And when someone says to me,

He’s not the first,
And he won’t be the last

I laugh.
And one day,
I'll call him and say

Let’s always be high school sweethearts?”
♠ ♠ ♠
To Bryan, My love.

Never in my life have I felt like this before. It's almost been four months but I love you, I know you love me, and I'm never going to stop loving you.