You are but a single person

You are but a single person
Yet a single person to me is many
You are but a lonely person
Yet a lonely person to me is liked
You are but a love of mine
Yet a love of mine strikes tiny doubts…no…. hate
You are but a risk of mine
Yet a risk of mine can be everything safe
You are but a small piece of greatness
Yet a piece of greatness has its faults
Yet where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear.
I am but a single person
Yet a single person to you is the only one
I am but a lonely person
Yet a lonely person to you is company
I am but a lover of yours
Yet a lover you cannot hate
I am but a risk of yours
Yet a risk is always thought of
I am a piece of greatness
Yet a piece of greatness is a doubt
I say, where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear;
Where little fears grow great, great love grows there.