Nothing to you

It seeps through my white shirt
Like water, like rain
It brings revolt, disgust
I never thought to mention pain
It tears straight in two
Like a book, like a page
It brings thoughts, regrets
I never thought to mention rage
At last, I did remember though to mention
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
It brings me gifts, presents if you must
Memories that never fade
It soaks my thoughts in them
I never mention those I had made
It brings me questions though,
No answer can leave my lips
For no answer has invaded my mind
I never mention those trips
Though this, my dear, inhabits my mind
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
Whatever I feel, whatever I do
These things that happen are all blamed on you.
♠ ♠ ♠
this one isnt about anyone. had to do it as an assignment.