Can't you see?

I don't call you daddy anymore
because in all reality
you will never be
though you never gave me the chance
to be the little girl I was supposed to be
You never let me crawl in bed with you
when mosters haunted my dreams
because she was there
and obviously more important than me
we dont talk much now
you and I
and when we do its forced and strained
you let her ruin us
don't you see?
And now you only hold me close
and tell me you love me
when we say goodbye
because that's what your supposed to do

I cant be bought with gifts
I refuse to ease your guilt
You let her take away my childhood
and replace it with pain and misery
you let her tear me down
till there was almost nothing left

I can't bring myself to like you
though I'll always love you
I refuse to shed another tear
because apparently I'm the strong one here
don't you see the irony?

I hope it haunts you daily
the memories of my childhood
that will never be
and I hope when you drown yourself
in your beloved alcohol
that in the haze of drunkedness
you'll think of me
your biological daughter
and remember
a true daughter I'll never be