The Path to Elsewhere

Future so bleak,
lost, incomplete
What will I do?
What will they say?
The potential inside
has come to a halt
I'm sorry, mom, it's all my fault
But you're support, so weak, and full of doubt
makes me want to just bail out
Jump ship, fold the cards
This is looking much too hard
I tough it out for you, for them
but i don't even have a plan
My stomach churns and I exhale
as I prepare myself to fail
The long road before my eyes
has a hill that's much too high
At the other side there's a deadend
with no one there to lend a hand
This road is long with dreams too high
for me to even reach or try
The stars that shine my hands do graze
only to fall flat on my face
I then lose sight of them
I start to get up and try again
I wonder if I should just stay down
lay there waiting on the ground
Waiting for a car to come to me
to put me out of my misery
As I lay looking at the sky
I watch the clouds that float on by
The Moon is high and the Sun is low
and I start to see the stars' faint glow
They're so close yet far away
I pick my self up brush the dust away
I set myself out to walk alone
down this rough and lonely road,
knowing that the end will come
Now it's dark, but expect the Sun
to always make it's way back home
to this nerving path I roam