Secret Holder

Secrets keep bubling
up and up.
They escape
my mouth that
was zipped shut. '
Your eyes
grow deeper
and deeper with
My secrets were
safe until you
heard them escape.
My eyes
water with
tears for you
are leaving soon and
I can no longer stand it.
Please say no!
Do not leave me behind.
Your voice remains calm and
you tell me it wil all work out in
the end.
I have someting
to live for.
I have hope for
a change.
My secrets
hidden in
you but
my feelings stay
hidden in me.
I see no
need to tell
you that I
NEED you.
I LOVE you.
That you ARE
part of me.
Worse yet I
I am beyond scared.
I understand you
will always be
here but I stilll can't
help but think that
when you leave you
will take a part of
me I can not afford
to loose.
I will loose my
best friend.
My other half but
most of all my
secret keeper.
I can no longer say
I hate you.
I admit I can be
the annoying one.
I am not the nicest of
people but for you I
try to be nice and
not snap so easy.
I love you so
I am glad that
you have
become so
succesfull but
I am a
selfish child.
To let you
go will
break me
apart inside.
It is so hard to
admit it to you.
I will not show you
my emotions but
you can read them.
Cause you are
part of me
you are my
best friend.
My other