Demons in Disguise

my eyes are half closed
of their own accord
maybe they can't stand to see this world
or maybe i'm just more blind than i thought
because giving you second chances
are what i do best
i can't let the pain go
when i have a knife in my chest

and i'll be okay
but who am i trying to convince
it must be myself
cuz sometimes no one is here to listen

and i wish i could
spill my thoughts
let everyone know
the secrets i must hide
and i wish i could
face the truth
maybe i'm not ever
going to be good enough

and when you see my face
will it all be okay?

because i haven't seen you in years
yet your face brings me to tears
when you call
i get sick to my stomach
and the simplest gestures
cause me to flinch
they all laugh
and i fake a grin
but they don't know
cause they don't care to ask
how can someone who laughs
have so much blood
on their hands

and they say i look
just like you
and i break the mirror
to erase my thoughts
i won't ever
let myself be that way
i won't
ever turn into you