In the eyes of a thoughtful person.

A child's play park with a slide and a swing
Hidden from the world by trees and a gate
Beyond lies the road and a town filled with violence
Surrounded by rain and wind
There hides a child
Just a little kid
Hiding from the truth
Hidden in the lies
A yellow balloon flies into the sky
An escape
A distraction
A big fat lie.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, i had no idea what type of poem this is. I thought a poem was a poem so, if anyone has any idea what type of poem this would be classed as, help? Poems don't have to rhyme, right? D; I wouldn't actually class this as a poem, it's just words. I wrote this when i heard something i didn't want to know. I went to a park which was empty and sat on a bench. I started scribbling and writing words. These are those words.