A Cigarette Breakdown

Running like a bunny rabbit,
My heart doesn't rest,
It wont rest.
My feet wont keep still,
My hands keep twisting.
I'm trapped,
No way out.
Keep digging,
Digging for information,
For clues,
For a way out.
I need out.
I need a cigarette,
My nerves need to calm down,
All my frustrations and poisons need to leave,
They need to be let out with a quick drag.
Let the smoke raise to the air,
And disappear.
Ice breaks and snaps,
My mind is no longer a safe place,
It's so filled with deadly and bad thoughts,
That it's finally broken down.
Tears stream down my face,
Carbon Dioxide leaves my lips in short gasps.
I need to breathe.
Just take another drag of that cigarette,
And get over this mental breakdown.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh. Wrote it for myself, but I don't smoke. I've had 1 1/2 mental breakdowns in a week, and hope to get better with everything. I need to find something to take my mind off of all this stress. A look into the mind of Mrs Gey