
I feel like
Everything is falling apart
I feel like
Things are not going my way
My soul
Feels broken
My heart
Feels disjointed from my body
It hurts
I long to feel nothing but the numbness

Of the fading pain.
My pain
Pulsing through my vein heavily
How this pain will vanish?
I know not.
My tears

Trickling down my fair cheek
At the thought of an everlasting pain.
I sit here thinking. Thinking of the mask that i wear
That I wear to the world
The oblivious world
That has no hint of my pain

The mask. Is coming off
Revealing the mess that I really am
Am stuck in this battlefield
Called emotions
It’s hard when the night comes
And I have to swim in the untamed
Ocean of my emotions
But am soldier and I will
Survive this battle against myself
A while in time, the ocean calms