Fantstic four

I'm starting to feel i'm missing out
And I'm starting to feel I'm not part of the crowd
My heart starts to race
Because I'm not sure I'm in this place
Was I left out on purpose?
am i that worthless?
I'm scared to know the reason
I'm scared to know the truth
I'm scared because i have everything to loose

My friends are my everything
but my everything feels like its falling apart
and i can't stop this crumbling heart
I can't loose you guys.
It'll be my demise
I may have other friends
but that doesn't mean i want us to end
We were the fantastic Four
no less but a whole lot more
Our super powers must be running out
because i'm left here to pout

I'm starting to feel it's better this way
I can't stand some of the things you say
You two are closer to each other than i'll every be
That's okay because I have other people who love me
Don't get me wrong
Our friendship is still strong
but Please don't get mad at me for hangin with you old friends
because you can't make a mends
They are more like me than you'll ever be
I'm not trying to be mean
I'm trying to let you see through my eyes how you make it seem