But then you left me.

Ever since the break up
I've felt like I'm running in place,
The pain wont ever let up
I loved every freckle on your face

With all the memories
You made me feel great,
Way you looked it the breeze,
I would have loved you till i was Eighty-eight.

Then when i tried to move on,
It all went wrong
Found it was all a con
And I'm not that strong.

So now I cry
When I think of you.
And I try.
To make you love me true!

Like a vampire to his prey
Your looks and smells pull me in,
You kill me every day
Plus you always made me grin

I loved you
But then you left me
I cryed .
When you left me
♠ ♠ ♠
Dimitri if your reading this, i love you please love me too