
A world without music is like a world without color,
Plain just like an empty canvas.
Music makes our lives richer and fuller;
It fills our hearts with joy and gladness.
The way we put lyrics to a melody
Is like putting chapters in a story.
The notes go together in great harmony
Lyrics pieced together with creativity.
Some music is gentle, peaceful, and calm;
other music brings out anger and emotion.
It can soothe our frustrations like a healing balm
or make us want to jump into action.
The beat in reggae can slow us down
while jazz can get us up off our feet.
R+B has a mornful sound,
But hip-hop gives us a steady beat.
Every feeling can be expressed in music.
All of life can be shared in a song.
We can learn from eachother through lyrics.
Music revitalizes the soul to make us strong.