
I let a balloon go on purpose today
And stepped back as I watched it float away
I squinted my eyes into the blaring sun
Trying to see where it would run
But it skittered away and out of view
Against the direction in which the wind blew
And I hung my head and started to cry
Because it didn't even let me say goodbye
I placed my head in the dying grass
And stared up blankly into the great blue mass
Knowing that I would never see him again
Or be able to tell him he was my best friend
I hope he knew that he was beautiful
Because I never told him that
Even though I thought it every day
I never told him that
My limbs begin to feel cold and rigid
And my memories of him grow more vivid
And now I see all I have is my past
As it races across my eyelids so fast
My body sinks into the mud
And my lungs are filled with an earthy flood
But just before I'm gone forever
Something hits my skin like a feather
My eyes flutter open to see him there
All wrinkled up with no more air
I wrap my fingers around his corpse
As the dirt closes around me with a deadly force
And I smile as the life leaves my body
Because I know that he came back to me.