The First Time

The first time
I ran onto the playground
With my best friends
And slid down the slide
Laughing all the way
I felt happy
And silly

The first time
I got all A’s on my report card
My best friends and I
Made a circle in the school yard
Jumping up and down
Screaming at the top of our lungs
Celebrating in our own way

The first time
I was being made fun of
For whatever reason
My best friends
Ran to my aid
Anger written all over their faces
Scaring the bully away

The first time
I was running around
And I tripped and fell
My best friends
Were the first ones
To surround me
And hold their hands out to me

The first time
I scored a goal
During my soccer game
My best friends
Cheered me on
Waving a huge poster
Not caring that everyone was staring

The first time
I lost someone dear to me
And I was dressed in all black
My best friends
Were there to lend me
Someone to lean on
And a shoulder to cry on

The first time
I stayed up all night
Playing truth or dare
And eating ice cream
With my best friends
We all laughed
At our ridiculous secrets

The first time
I went to a bar mitzvah
With my best friends
We danced all we could
Ate everything there
Oblivious to the rude comments
Because we were having too much fun

The first time
Someone broke my heart
One of my best friends
Were there to mend it
While the others
Were at his house
Doing only God knows what

The first time
I got first place
In a snowboarding competition
My best friends
Engulfed me in a hug
And screamed profanities
At everyone who doubted me

The first time
My best friends and I
Had a fight
The next day at school
We all saw each other
And burst into tears
Apologizing for nothing in particular

The first time
I shined with happiness
Giggled with glee
Or laughed until my sides hurt
With my best friends
I made sure it wasn’t
The last time