A Poem To You

My lips melted together one day
So I couldn’t think of a thing to say
So I wrote you this poem, if that’s okay

For a while we talked and I liked what I heard
You listened and I liked that
And that’s my word
You were kind, sweet, you might have even understood me
You tolerated me and that’s something hard to do.
You were nice, silent, man, you’re really cool,
Never pissed me off like lots of other people

I like your background, your culture
Your complexion, your presence
It’s too sad that I only have to courage to write this
I could talk to you for an eternity more
And you’d probably listen
Wanting to listen on and on…

This is real
I’ll probably never know if you feel what I feel
My heart was moving towards your direction
But my mind was saying I just liked the affection
A lot of me thought, this could be right
But that one thought knew the feelings and tired to fight

I backed away
Purposely keeping you away from me
To talk and to be with you, I had the perfect opportunity
I fought the feeling like a strong gladiator
Killing off thoughts of what it would be like to be together
Sometimes I feel like you felt the same
Or maybe I’m just over my head
How could I be so lame?

I’m a coward
And I know it when it comes to my feelings
Maybe one day we can get back to talking
Maybe one day I’ll open my heart up
I talk like someone who’s experienced heart break, yup
Nah, never that
And I guess that’s why I lock my heart up
I don’t want to feel the pain to come

Not all fighters are brave
Sometimes they fight because of fear
Fear of pain later to come
A pain that will be much more severe

But deep down inside
The fear I should have overcome.

So I’m writing you this poem for you without you knowing
Maybe one day it can happen
All we really need is a little magic.