
A simple word.
A definition.
It clearly explains itself.
There is nothing left of me.
I feel absolutely nothing.
No happiness no matter what I have.
No sadness no matter what I lose.
No rage no matter how much someone gets under my skin.
I lack emotions, and words to describe it.
Lack of life; lifeless.
I am a lifeless corpse.
Doll; play toy; for all to use and make light of.
If only I was able to stick up for myself.
I can't because this weak, vulerable girl I am is to fragile.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
I won't feel pain; harm is nothing.
The feeling won't reach me.
The sting of loss, of everything doesn't touch.
Depression lingers inside of me.
Reminding me of why I am not happy.
Numbness overwhelms this dead body.
Drag me out.
Pull me in.
There is nothing left but a body.
Pretending is useless,
When you have nothing to pretend.
I can't pretend it doesn't hurt,
When it really doesn't.
I can't fake anything.
I have nothing to fake.
Might as well shoot me,
Because there is no soul to kill.
Just a body, zombie, to stop from moving.

I ruin everything.
Life for others.
Happiness for anyone, including myself.
I ruin fun,
I am a killjoy.
There's no denying it.
No hiding it, when it is fact.

I am dead.
Dead, that's all there is to me.