
Seeing someone I truly love, and care about, smile...

It has so much of an effect on me...

Like, well...

It's sorta hard to explain.

But it really can make my day that much better.

Smiling is the best thing there can be.

Other than love...

But that comes along with smiling and being happy.

And it can't be one of those fake smiles... where they just do it for the hell of it.

It has to be real.

And sincere.

Like, when someone laughs so hard... they keel over.

Or when they just laugh...

A simple laugh, to cheer you up.

Because they know it helps them too.

I look through pictures...

to find ones of you.

When you just smile.

And you can see in your eyes that you are happy.

And I want that to stay.

I don't want anything bad...

So, for the sake of everyone...

SMILE!!! (: