For Every Good Thing There is a Price

in the depth of my mind
in a part of my soul
i am locked away
tremors of fear
rock through my body
and carry me away
onto a rock
in the middle of the sea

i can hear screaming
i am bleeding
i am running
across the ice
i must get away from you
in my wake
i leave behind
bloody footprints for the zombies to eat

the words travel a mile a minute
i am in the field
of nightmares
its on fire
i can see the smoke
and its swallowing me now

i fear you will
come for me
every night
i hide away

now i am here
my skin is blistered and torn
the rose scratches is way
in between my finger blades
which i use
to tear my own heart in two
because you didn't do it enough
for me

i am so sick
in the mind
in the heart
i am being torn apart
i am so sick
it shows in my actions
and the way i speak
i doubt that the gates of
eternal paradise will open for me