A Girl Inside My Mirror

There’s a girl in my mirror

Who stands there

Across from me

And stares

And stares

She looks so familiar

Yet I don’t know who she is

Is she from some vague memory?

In the deepest points of my mind?

Or a part of me?

Condemned to stay with me forever?

She mimics my movements

Mocking what I do

Copying my actions

In a way that could be playful

But there is only pain in her dark eyes

Beneath her layers of apathy

Under her stoic expression

There is more to her

More than what everyone sees

More than her outer shell

The bitter crust she wears

The sarcastic remarks she makes

The hard, unbreakable exterior

There is more inside

In her core

Her heart

Something she keeps hidden

Deep down

What is there?

I can’t tell

Is it pain?


A desperate plea for help?

Or is it a secret?

Kept tucked safely away

In the depths of her soul

A secret she must keep

A secret so very powerful

A secret that could change her life

So she locked it away

Never to hear again

Never to need to remember again

I look at her once more

She stares back at me

Inside my mirror

I raise my hand

She does the same

She cocks her head to one side

Just like me

I study her

She scrutinizes me

Pain is still there

I reach for her

Her fingertips touch mine

I feel cold glass

And make a promise

A vow

I will forever keep her secret

Whatever it may be

For she is inside me

A flash of who I am

What everyone sees

What I am afraid to become

She holds my crushed dreams

My dissolved spirit

My burned optimism

She knows my hopes

My fears

My likes and dislikes


She is a part of who I am

The girl standing in my mirror

That stares

And stares

Until I am unsure

Of what I am seeing